Wed, 05/08/2013 - 16:25 -- admin
Main Project Image: 
Websites for lawyers
Project Type: 
Online Brochure Styled Website
Brochure styled website, extensive search engine optimization, SEO, Easy to use administrator dashboard for client management of content.
Major Technologies Used: 
Drupal 7, Custom modules, PHP/MySQ
Project Description: 
In criminal law matters, an experienced, effective Texas criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between a dismissed charge, a not guilty verdict, a reduced charge or a prison sentence. Mr. Kiatta is a long-time client with eMUNICATIONS. Mr. Katta has two brochure-style websites designed and hosted by eMUNICATIONS. The websites are search optimized and are targeted at two very different practices of law to enhance their search effectiveness. As with all eMUNICATIONS' websites we programmed in an easy to use administrative dashboard so that the client can manage the content themselves. eMUNICATIONS is well versed in the requirements of websites for law firms.