Emunciations Blog

8 years 1 month ago
Thank you clients of eMUNICATIONS! Because of your belief in our ability to provide compelling, well-designed websites eMUNICATIONS has ranked 19th on the Houston Business Journal's Book of Lists for the Largest Houston-based Web Design and Development Companies as published in the July 1, 2011 Houston Business Journal. As our clients and potential clients know, there are a lot of choices in...
8 years 2 months ago
If you've watched the latest season of MTV's Real World, you've seen a logo in the fish tank created by yours truly. I've been designing for Reliant Aquarium since they first established themselves as a business about 5 years ago and have had the pleasure of watching them grow into the business they are today. Reliant prides themselves on a professional image and I've been...
Terrible Fonts
8 years 3 months ago
They say art is in the eye of the beholder; as much as I want to agree, there's still no excuse for 'terrible' typography. Among the worst offenders are the following fonts:    Comic Sans is essentially the stereotype for bad typography and few fonts have ever caused more rage amongst designers. This sort of font is abundant in armchair graphic design - it has no place in the...
