Emunciations Blog

best drag and drop page builder for wordpress
5 years 3 months ago
If you want to create stylish posts and pages for your WordPress website, then a page builder plugin is the best way to do so. The best page builder plugins add a new content editor interface to your website that lets you do so much than what’s currently possible with the default editor. Not only do these advanced web design tools let you work through a drag-and-drop user interface, but they...
WordPress backupPLugin
5 years 3 months ago
Creating WordPress backups is the very best thing that you can do to help your site. Backups will help save you in situations once your site gets hacked and offer you peace of mind or you accidentally lock yourself out.  There are numerous free and paid backup plugins for WordPress, and most of them are user-friendly to backup your blog contents, files or other things. But using these...
small business website example
5 years 4 months ago
This post will answer a very common question that most small business owners have – what are the most important pages on a website? we are website design and Development company in, Houston, we often get questions from our small business owners – what are the most important pages on a website? what pages should my website have necessarily? And mostly this question comes from small business...
psychology of website color
5 years 4 months ago
Color greatly affects how viewers perceive not only your web page but your brand overall. When it comes to communicating, few things affect your audience and attract attention. This is why the color is such an important part of not only establishing a mood but also the first thing people respond to in their overall judgment of whether a design is considered good or bad. That direct connection...
UX UI Elements
5 years 5 months ago
Most people interact with the Internet on a daily basis, but not everyone experiences the Web in the same way or for the same reasons. That’s why a great UX (user experience) is key for many businesses. If you’ve ever deleted an app or refused to shop online at a certain site again, you’ll know that the value that could represent across thousands of people can really hit businesses where it...
Common SEO Mistake
5 years 5 months ago
SEO is one of those strategies that you can implement in a few weeks, but it takes time to master it, so you can compete for high-traffic words and phrases. You’re still learning, and with a few adjustments, you can probably get that first-page ranking.  It is also a fact that SEO is a fast-changing industry and what worked a few months ago may not work today, so you need to stay educated...
Google Report
5 years 6 months ago
You may be using Google Analytics, but are you sure that you are using it to its full potential? Google Analytics provides users with the ability to measure every aspect of a website, from unique visitors to referral sources, to bounce rates, device types, time on page, click through rates, and so much more. Knowing which reports analyzing can be difficult when you’re wading through so much...
SEO content
5 years 6 months ago
Nowadays, in the times of digital marketing, companies definitely prefer to use SEO. But, for best results, it is essential that the content available on the site is not only relevant but also something that will attract the clients. The site content should be such that it will allow the SEO to promote the site and allow the clients to understand the company and its services, encouraging...
OnPage SEO Checklist
5 years 7 months ago
Search Engine Optimization is an ongoing process, you have to keep making effective changes in your optimization strategy to keep your site well working and appearing at the desired position over the web. We make a lot of changes to our site, from changing the theme to adding new plugins, from updating plugins to refreshing the old content. All such things ultimately affect your ON Page SEO...
Mobile First Design Principle
5 years 7 months ago
Historically, most web designers and their clients have approached the desktop side of any project first, while leaving the mobile part as a secondary goal that gets accomplished later. Even with the rise of responsive design, many of us begin with the “full size” site and work our way down. One downside to doing this is that priority is essentially given to desktop/laptop users. Unfortunately...
