Well it almost killed us but, we completed it! The Fort Bend Women's Center new website is up and functioning! Take a look at FBWC.org. WebAid 2010 is an event organized by eMUNICATIONS to benefit the Fort Bend Women's Center. The members of the Houston Drupal Users Group and the San Antonio Drupal Users Group generously donated their time to design, program and develop content for the new website.
We all gathered in the Vineyard on The Square at 8:30 a.m. on the morning of Saturday, July 17, 2010 to begin our effort.
The goal was to build a website in one day - a full featured website with a content management system (Drupal of course!), shopping cart with credit card processing, photo galleries, calendars, news artical system, newsletter system, volunteer registration, event ticket sales and more... well, we did it. No small thanks to eMUNICATIONS' own Jason Smith and Ryan Martin.