Brass Monkey Once Fired (online store)

Wed, 05/08/2013 - 16:25 -- admin
Main Project Image: 
Brass Monkey Once Fired
Project Type: 
ecommerce catalog
weapons and ammunitions
Online store managed by client.
Major Technologies Used: 
Drupal, Drupal Commerce,, automated credit card processing
Project Description: 
This was a clever idea by the client. They purchase old shell casings from gun ranges, clean them up and repack them for sale. There is an extensive offering of ammunition. We designed the site to be very easy to use for the purchasing customer and to administer by our website client with the major CMS technology Drupal and its contributed modules Drupal Commerce with Payment method which do the automated credit card processing. The site had tremendous traffic but, had to be abandoned because the old shell casings became more difficult to get.